Understanding youth transitions

The Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY) is a study that follows young Australians over 10 years, from their mid-teens to mid-twenties, as they move through school to further study, work and beyond.

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This infographic brings together information from LSAY participants who commenced the program in 2015. Using findings from their 2023 interviews, we explore their engagement with study and work alongside measures of their health and financial stress.

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Latest News

Explore the latest data from the 2023 surveys

Our data tools and resources have been updated to include information from the Y15 2023 (wave 9) interviews

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New report

Is the die cast? Investigating the relationship between prior academic achievement and tertiary entrance performance

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The LSAY 2024 survey is now open!

Participants who joined the program in 2015 will be turning 24 this year and are now completing their tenth LSAY survey

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