User guides
Developed for users of the LSAY unit record data, the user guide series helps researchers understand and work with the LSAY data. The guides aim to address all aspects of the LSAY data including:
- how to access the data
- data restrictions
- variable naming conventions
- topic maps
- classifications and code frames
- weights
- derived variables.
User guides are available for each LSAY cohort.
- 1995 cohort user guide
- 1998 cohort user guide
- 2003 cohort user guide
- 2006 cohort user guide
- 2009 cohort user guide
- 2015 cohort user guide
For information on how to access the unit record data see How to access LSAY data.
Questionnaires and frequency tables
The questionnaires and frequency tables provide supporting information for the LSAY dataset for each cohort. They include the questionnaire and frequency counts for each data item at each survey wave.
Data dictionary and metadata
The online data dictionary is a digital platform designed to help users explore the information captured across all six LSAY cohorts. Information is organised using topic areas and data elements and uses topic maps to identify the waves and cohorts in which data elements are collected.
The variable listing and metadata workbook provides a complete listing of the variables and their associated formats/value labels contained in the LSAY data files for all six LSAY cohorts. This resource should be used in conjunction with the LSAY user guide series.
Further information about the way the information has been structured in this workbook can be found in the section The LSAY data in the LSAY user guides.
Derived variables
Derived variables help to simplify the use of the data and provide useful indicators for analysis. The derived variables series describes the 24 derived variables developed for users of the LSAY data. They fall into the categories of:
- education
- employment
- social.
The SAS syntax used to derive these variables is available for each cohort.
Technical and Discussion Papers
Technical papers address topics such as sample design, attrition and weighting.
- 1995 cohort technical papers
- 1998 cohort technical papers
- 2003 cohort technical papers
- 2006 cohort technical papers
- 2009 cohort technical papers
- 2015 cohort technical papers
Discussion papers focus on methodological issues in research.
Reference Sources
Reference sources provide a bibliography of Australian and international refereed journal articles based on data from the LSAY program.