Briefing papers synthesise findings from already completed LSAY research reports on important themes and may also contain some more basic analysis of LSAY data.
Briefing papers
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28 September 2011Successful youth transitions28 September 2011Achieving the transition to adulthood is not straightforward. This briefing paper defines a successful youth transition based on previous research and considers a range of factors that affect…
5 October 2011Social capital and young people5 October 2011This briefing paper draws on two prominent social capital frameworks to investigate how the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY) can be used to investigate social capital and youth…
7 June 2012Who takes a gap year and why?7 June 2012Taking a break between high school and university is becoming increasingly popular for Australian students. Many use this time to work, undertake other study, travel and have a rest from formal…
17 December 2014Youth transitions in Australia: a moving picture17 December 2014The Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY) program provides information on the key transition points in young people's lives up to the age of 25. This publication highlights the key…
21 March 2011At risk youth: a transitory state?21 March 2011This briefing paper draws on existing research on 'at risk' youth and some primary data analysis to consider whether being at risk is a permanent or transitory state. Generally, those…
2 April 2014The role of aspirations in the educational and occupational choices of young people2 April 2014Aspirations to complete Year 12 and post-school study plans formed during high school are strong predictors of Year 12 completion and participation in further education and training. The precise role …
21 April 2011Young people in an economic downturn21 April 2011This briefing paper considers how young people fared in previous downturns, and discusses how structural labour market changes over the past 20 years have affected the three million young Australians …
4 February 2009School experiences of 15 and 16 year-olds4 February 2009This briefing paper provides a summary of students' experiences at school and their attitudes and perceptions of these experiences at ages 15 and 16. It is based on information obtained in both…
1 September 2005Year 12 subjects and further study1 September 2005The briefing looks at: recent distribution of Year 12 subject enrolments
12 October 2010Apprenticeships and traineeships: participation, progress and completion12 October 2010This briefing paper draws together findings from two LSAY (Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth) research reports: 'Participation in and progress through New Apprenticeships'