Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY) research provides an understanding of the key transitions and pathways in the lives of young people, particularly the transitions from compulsory schooling to further education, training and the labour market. LSAY also helps to inform policy development by governments to provide more effective support to young people. Topics explored include:
- school (including attitudes, engagement, subject choices)
- post-school study and transitions (including early leaving, pathways, tertiary education)
- work (including unemployment, earnings, job seeking)
- equity and social aspects (including specific equity groups (rural, Indigenous), well-being, life satisfaction).
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LSAY data are used to produce research reports, briefing papers and discussion papers. You can also search for LSAY publications published on this website.

Research reports
Research reports examine policy-relevant issues and comprise original analysis using LSAY and other extant data.
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Briefing papers
Briefing papers synthesise findings on important themes from LSAY research reports and contain additional analysis of LSAY data.
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Discussion papers
Discussion papers focus on methodological issues in research.
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Reference sources
A list of reference sources for publications that used LSAY data.
Learn more >DATA TOOLS
Data tools provide quick and easy access to summary LSAY data so users can readily explore results from the LSAY surveys. Resources to help you understand and use the data are also available.
More detailed information about the LSAY data, including how to access the confidentialised unit record files, can be found in the Data section.