Reference sources

The reference sources listed here provide a bibliography of Australian and international research that use data from the LSAY program. They are grouped into the following publication types:

  • Peer-reviewed journal articles includes primary sources (i.e. articles that provide first-hand, introductory information about the study), methodological papers (e.g. papers that address survey techniques and data-item validation) and original research
  • PhD and Masters theses includes manuscripts submitted supporting an academic degree or professional qualification
  • Book chapters includes chapters incorporated as part of a book or book series
  • 'Grey' literature includes research reports, working papers and policy documents.

Where possible, a link is provided to access the cited references online. Access to the full-text may be by paid (or free) subscription/download or from VOCEDplus, NCVER's international tertiary education research database.

Publications from the LSAY program of research are available from the Publications section of this website, and other published works that draw on LSAY data are also indexed in the VOCEDplus database.

A note to our data users and researchers: if any of your publications that use LSAY data are missing from this page, please send an email to the LSAY team with details of your publication/s (including anything that needs updating or is forthcoming) so they can be added and included in the VOCEDplus database.


Primary sources

Karmel, T 2014, Are we there yet? Youth transitions in Australia, Australian Economic Review, vol.47, no.1, pp.78-85.

Marks, GN & Rothman, S 2003, Longitudinal studies of Australian youth, Australian Economic Review, vol.36, no.4, pp.428-434.

Moore, J & Semo, R 2019, An introduction to the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY), Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, vol.10, no.1, pp.109-123.

Parvazian, S & Semo, R 2018, The Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: 20 years and beyond, Australian Economic Review, vol.51, no.3, pp.426-440.

Survey papers

Cumming, J & Goldstein, H 2016, Handling attrition and non-response in longitudinal data with an application to a study of Australian youth, Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, vol.7, no.1, pp.53-63.

Gemici, S, Bednarz, A & Lim, P 2012, A primer for handling missing values in the analysis of education and training data, International Journal of Training Research vol.10, no.3, pp.233-250.

Data item validation

Chen, X, Morin, AJ, Parker, PD & Marsh, HW 2015, Developmental investigation of the domain-specific nature of the life satisfaction construct across the post-school transition, Developmental Psychology, vol.51, no.8, pp.1074-1085.

Curtis, D & Boman, P 2007, X-ray your data with Rasch, International Education Journal, vol.8, no.2, pp. 249-259.

Lim, P, Gemici, S, Rice, J & Karmel, T 2011, Socioeconomic status and the allocation of government resources in Australia: how well do geographic measures perform?, Education + Training, vol.53, no.7, pp.570-586.

Mahoney, JW, Quested, E, Thøgersen-Ntoumani, C, Ntoumanis, N & Gucciardi, DF 2016, Validating a measure of life satisfaction in older adolescents and testing invariance across time and gender, Personality and Individual Differences, vol.99, supplement C, pp.217-224.

Original research


Alzahrani, ARR 2024, Longitudinal PLS-SEM analysis of the performance and participation of students in mathematics, AIMS Mathematics, vol.9, no.8, pp. 22680-22696.

Kemp, L, Elcombe, E, Blythe, S, Grace, R, Donohoe, K & Sege, R 2024, The impact of positive and adverse experiences in adolescence on health and wellbeing outcomes in early adulthood, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol.21, no.9, pp.1013.

Maire, Q & Ho, C 2024, Cultural capital on the move: ethnic and class distinctions in Asian-Australian academic achievement, International Studies in Sociology of Education, vol.33, no.1, pp.108-131.

Morgan,  JA, Bednarz, JM, Semo, R, Clark, SR & Schubert, KO 2024, Long-term recreational exercise patterns in adolescents and young adults: trajectory predictors and associations with health, mental-health, and educational outcomes, PLoS ONE, vol.19, no.3, pp.1-24.

Sikora, J 2024, Does  career optimism facilitate entry into university and professional employment? A longitudinal examination of Australian data, Australian Journal of Career Development, vol.33, no.2, pp.166-177.

Sikora , J, Malette, N & Robson, K 2024, Comparing apples with apples? How ethnolinguistic and immigration status differentiates university admissions in Toronto and Sydney, Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue Canadienne de Sociologie, vol.61, no.1, pp.85-106.

Tham, M, Huo, S & Wade, A 2024, Does school academic selectivity pay off? The education, employment and life satisfaction outcomes of Australian students, British Journal of Educational Studies, pp. 1–21.

Wake, A & O’Donnell, AW 2024, Longitudinal relationships between financial stress, career related optimism, and psychological distress during emerging adulthood in Australia, Youth & Society, vol.56, no.7, pp.1336-1363.


Burns, EC, Lowe, K, Leonard, A & Tsiamis, J 2023, Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students’ motivation to continue in senior science: an expectancy value theory and intersectional identity approach, Contemporary Educational Psychology, vol.72.

Chowdhury, IS, Edwards, B & Norton, A 2023, Youth education decisions and occupational misalignment and mismatch: evidence from a representative cohort study of Australian youth, Oxford Review of Education, pp. 1–21.

Collie, RJ, Caldecott-Davis, K & Martin, AJ 2023, Academic buoyancy among female secondary school students: an examination of predictors and outcomes up to age 22, Social Psychology of Education, [pre-print].

Cooper, G 2023, A Bourdieusian analysis of the conversion between mathematical achievement and science capital, Social Education Research, pp. 42-48.

Fry, J, Elkins, M & Farrell, L 2023, Cognition and curiosity: strategies for firms to recruit curious employeesApplied Economics, [pre-print].


Buly, CA & Ryan, C 2022, Socioeconomic disadvantage, ability to pay and university attendance in AustraliaEducation Economics, [pre-print].

Cebulla, A 2022, The future of work for young people: early occupational pathways and the risk of automation in Australia, Journal of Youth Studies, [pre-print]

Chesters, J & Cuervo, H 2022, (In)equality of opportunity: educational attainments of young people from rural, regional and urban Australia, Australian Educational Researcher, vol.49, no.1, pp.43-61.

Cooper, C, Thomas, DP, Prain, V & Fraser, S 2022 Associations between Australian students’ literacy achievement in early secondary school and senior secondary participation in science: accessing cultural and science capital, International Journal of Science Education, [pre-print].

Dinku, Y & Yap, M 2022, Young Australians' labour market engagement and job aspiration in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Australian Journal of Social Issues, [pre-print].

Parker, P, Allen, KA, Parker, R, Guo, J, Marsh, HW, Basarkod, G & Dicke, T 2022, School belonging predicts whether an emerging adult will be not in education, employment, or training (NEET) after school, Journal of Educational Psychology, [pre-print].

Prattley, J, Evans-Whipp, T, O'Donnell, K, Wong, C, Quinn, B & Rowland, B 2022, Returning to the nest: emerging adults living with parents during the COVID-19 pandemic, Australian Journal of Social Issues [pre-print].

Schellekens, M , Ciarrochi, J, Dillon, A, Sahdra, B, Brockman, R, Mooney, J & Philip P 2022, The role of achievement, gender, SES, location and policy in explaining the Indigenous gap in high-school completionBritish Educational Research Journal, vol.48, no.4, pp.730–750.


Dockery, AM, Bawa, S, Coffey, J & Ian WL 2021, Secondary students’ access to careers information: the role of socio-economic backgroundThe Australian Educational Researcher, [preprint].

Forrest, CJ & Swanton, T 2021, Longitudinal associations between soft skills, education and labour market outcomes: evidence from a survey of young Australians, Education + Training, vol.63, no.9, pp. 1276-1287.

Jackson, J 2021, Developing early childhood educators with diverse qualifications: the need for differentiated approaches, Professional Development in Education, [preprint].

Koshy, P, Webb, S, Dockery, M, & Knight, E 2021, Bachelor degree participation in vocational institutions: examining the determinants of participation, International Journal of Training Research, vol.18, no.2, pp. 106-120.

Palacios-Abad, A 2021, Strive to succeed? The role of persistence in the process of educational attainmentAmerican Behavioral Scientist, vol.65, no.11, pp. 1555-1576.

Shields, M, Dimov, S, King, TL, Milner, A, Kavanagh, A, Spittal, MJ & Disney, G 2021, Does disability modify the relationship between labour force status and psychological distress among young people?, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, vol.78, no.6, pp.438-444 .

Sikora, J 2021, Does teenage interest in a teaching career lead to becoming a teacher? Evidence from Australia, Teaching and Teacher Education, vol.101, article 103315 .


Burns, E 2020, Factors that support high school completion: a longitudinal examination of quality teacher-student relationships and intentions to graduate, Journal of Adolescence, vol.84, pp.180-189.

Cooper, G & Berry, A 2020, Demographic predictors of senior secondary participation in biology, physics, chemistry and earth/space sciences: students’ access to cultural, social and science capital, International Journal of Science Education, vol.42, no.1, pp.151-166.

Cooper, G, Berry, A & Baglin, J, 2020, Demographic predictors of students' science participation over the age of 16: an Australian case study, Research in Science Education, vol.50, no.1, pp.361-373 .

De New, J, Ribar, D, Ryan, C & Wong, C 2020, Financial outcomes in adolescence and early adulthood in Australian longitudinal dataAustralian Economic Review, vol.53, no.1, pp.126-138.

Deutscher, N 2020, What drives second generation success? The roles of education, culture, and context, Economic Inquiry, vol.58, no.4, pp.1707-1730 .

Jeffries, D, Curtis, DD & Conner, LN 2020, Student factors influencing STEM subject choice in year 12: a structural equation model using PISA/LSAY data, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, vol.18, no.3, pp.441-461.

Law, H, & Sikora, J 2020, Do single-sex schools help Australians major in STEMM at university?, School Effectiveness and School Improvement, vol.31, no.4, pp.605-627.

Parasnis, J & Swan, J 2020, Differences in educational attainment by country of origin: evidence from Australia, Migration Studies, vol.8, no.4, pp.530-553.

Sachisthal, MSM, Jansen, BRJ, Dalege, J, Raijmakers, MEJ 2020, Relating teenagers’ science interest network characteristics to later science course enrolment: an analysis of Australian PISA 2006 and LSAY data, Australian Journal of Education, vol.64, no.6, pp.264-281.

Sikora, J & Green, J 2020, Gifts as gains? The impact of volunteering on young people’s educational and occupational attainment in Australia, Australian Journal of Education, vol.64, no.2, pp. 177-194.


Chesters, J 2019, Alleviating or exacerbating disadvantage: does school attended mediate the association between family background and educational attainment?, Journal of education policy, vol.34, no.3, pp.331-350.

Marks, GN 2019, How important are socioeconomic background and other factors to the university career vis-à-vis prior student performance: evidence from Australian longitudinal data, Educational Research and Evaluation, vol.25, no.7-8, pp.357-380 .

Marsh, HW, Van Zanden, B, Parker, PD, Guo, J, Conigrave, J & Seaton, M 2019, Young women face disadvantage to enrollment in university STEM coursework regardless of prior achievement and attitudes, American Educational Research Journal, vol.56, no.5, pp.1629-1680 .

Parker, PD, Bodkin-Andrews, G, Parker, RB & Biddle, N 2019, Trends in Indigenous and non-Indigenous multidomain well-being: decomposing persistent, maturation, and period effects in emerging adulthood, Emerging Adulthood, vol.7, no.6, pp.391-410.

Parker, PD, Marsh, HW, Thoemmes, F & Biddle, N 2019, The negative year in school effect: extending scope and strengthening causal claims, Journal of Educational Psychology, vol.111, no.1, pp.118-130.

Sikora, J 2019, Is it all about early occupational expectations? How the gender gap in two science domains reproduces itself at subsequent stages of education: evidence from longitudinal PISA in Australia, International Journal of Science Education, vol.41, no.16, pp.2347-2368.

Sikora, J & Pitt, DGW 2019, Does advanced mathematics help students enter university more than basic mathematics? Gender and returns to year 12 mathematics in Australia, Mathematics Education Research Journal, vol.31, no.2, pp.197-218.


Chesters, J 2018, The marketisation of education in Australia: does investment in private schooling improve post-school outcomes?, Australian Journal of Social Issues, vol.53, no.2, pp.139-157.

Childs, AJ 2018, Young Australians' education and employment transitions: comparing young immigrants' well-being to their Australian peers, Multicultural Education Review, vol.10, no.2, pp.121-138 .

Cooper, G, Strathdee, R & Baglin, J 2018, Examining geography as a predictor of students' university intentions: a logistic regression analysis, Journal of Rural Society, vol.27, no.2, pp.83-93.

Law, H 2018, Gender and mathematics: pathways to mathematically intensive fields of study in Australia, Advances in Life Course Research, vol.37, pp.42-56.

Law, H 2018, Why do adolescent boys dominate advanced mathematics subjects in the final year of secondary school in Australia?, Australian Journal of Education, vol.62, no.2, pp.169-191.

Marks, GN 2018, Do the labour market returns to university degrees differ between high and low achieving youth? Evidence from Australia, Journal for Labour Market Research, vol.52, no.1, pp.1-14

Sikora, J 2018, Aimless or flexible? Does uncertainty in adolescent occupational expectations matter in young adulthood?, Australian Journal of Education, vol.62, no.2, pp.154-168.


Czarnecki, K 2017, Less inequality through universal access? Socioeconomic background of tertiary entrants in Australia after the expansion of university participation, Higher Education, published first online, 20 December 2017, pp.1-18.

Gong, X 2017, The dynamics of study-work choice and its effect on intended and actual university attainment, Education Economics, vol.25, no.6, pp.619-639.

Marks, GN 2017, University and vocational education, and youth labour market outcomes in Australia, Journal of Education and Work, vol.30, no.8, pp.868-880.

Saha, LJ 2017, Student perceptions of the 'just world' of the school: impact on school achievement, future civic behaviour, and future occupation, Education and Society, vol.35, no.2, pp.23-40.

Tomaszewski, W, Perales, F & Xiang, N 2017, Career guidance, school experiences and the university participation of young people from low socio-economic backgrounds, International Journal of Educational Research, vol.85, supplement C, pp.11-23.


Chen, X & Page, A 2016, Stability and instability of subjective well-being in the transition from adolescence to young adulthood: longitudinal evidence from 20991 young Australians, PLoS ONE, vol. 11, no. 5, 15 p.

Parker, PD, Jerrim, J & Anders, J 2016, What effect did the global financial crisis have upon youth wellbeing? Evidence from four Australian cohorts, Developmental Psychology, vol.52, no.4, pp.640-651.

Parker, PD, Jerrim, J, Anders, J & Astell-Burt, T 2016, Does living closer to a university increase educational attainment? A longitudinal study of aspirations, university entry, and elite university enrolment of Australian youth, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, vol.45, no.6, pp.1156-1175.


Chesters, J 2015, Does migrant status affect educational achievement, aspirations, and attainment?, Multicultural Education Review, vol.7, no.4, pp.197-212.

Herault, N & Zakirova, R 2015, Returns to education: accounting for enrolment and completion effects, Education Economics, vol.23, no.1, pp.84-100.

Jerrim, J & Vignoles, A 2015, University access for disadvantaged children: a comparison across countries, Higher Education, vol.70, no.6, pp.903-921.

Marks, GN 2015, Do Catholic and independent schools 'add-value' to students' tertiary entrance performance? Evidence from longitudinal population data, Australian Journal of Education, vol.59, no.2, pp.133-157.

Parker, P, Bodkin-Andrews, G, Marsh, H, Jerrim, J & Schoon, I 2015, Will closing the achievement gap solve the problem? An analysis of primary and secondary effects for Indigenous university entry, Journal of Sociology, vol.51, no.4, pp.1085-1102.

Parker, PD, Thoemmes, F, Duineveld, JJ & Salmela-Aro, K 2015, I wish I had (not) taken a gap-year? The psychological and attainment outcomes of different post-school pathwaysDevelopmental Psychology, vol.51, no.3, pp.323-333.

Polidano, C, Tabasso, D & Tseng, Y-P 2015, A second chance at education for early school leavers, Education Economics, vol.23, no.3, pp.358-375.


Curtis, DD 2014, The ‘gap year’ in Australia: incidence, participant characteristics and outcomes, Australian Economic Review, vol.47, no.1, pp.107-114.

Gemici, S, Bednarz, A, Karmel, T & Lim, P 2014, Young people's aspirations and their occupational outcomesAustralian Economic Review, vol.47, no.1, pp.124-136.

Gemici, S, Lim, P & Karmel, T 2014, Can school characteristics influence university entrance scores?, Australian Economic Review, vol.47, no.1, pp.86-99.

Lee, J-S 2014, The attainability of university degrees and their labour market benefits for young Australians, Higher Education, vol.68, no.3, pp.449-469.

Lim, P, Gemici, S & Karmel, T 2014, The impact of school academic quality on low socioeconomic status students, Australian Economic Review, vol.47, no.1, pp.100-106.

Mahuteau, S & Mavromaras, K 2014, An analysis of the impact of socio-economic disadvantage and school quality on the probability of school dropoutEducation Economics, vol.22, no.4, pp.389-411.

Oliver, D 2014, Lower level qualifications as a stepping stone for young people, Australian Journal of Labour Economics, vol.17, no.1, pp.15-33.

Parker, PD, Marsh, HW, Ciarrochi, J, Marshall, S & Abduljabbar, AS 2014, Juxtaposing math self-efficacy and self-concept as predictors of long-term achievement outcomes, Educational Psychology, vol.34, no.1, pp.29-48.

Polidano, C & Tabasso, D 2014, Making it real: the benefits of workplace learning in upper-secondary vocational education and training courses, Economics of Education Review, vol.42, pp.130-146.

Ryan, C 2014, Youth Allowance and the financial position of young Australians, Australian Economic Review, vol.47, no.1, pp.115-123.

Sikora, J 2014, Gender gap in school science: are single-sex schools important?, Sex Roles, vol.70, nos.9-10, pp.400-415.


Cardak, B & Vecci, J 2013, Catholic school effectiveness in Australia: a reassessment using selection on observed and unobserved variables, Economics of Education Review, vol.37, pp.34-45.

Marks, GN 2013, Evaluating effectively maintained inequality: school and post-school transitions, socioeconomic background, academic ability and curricular placement, Social Science Research, vol.42, no.6, pp.1635-1649 .


Gemici, S & Curtis, D 2012, Senior secondary workplace learning and transition success in Australia, Education + Training, vol.54, no.1, pp.36-49.

Herault, N, Kostenko, W, Marks, G & Zakirova, R 2012, The effects of macroeconomic conditions on the education and employment outcomes of youth, Australian Journal of Labour Economics, vol.15, no.1, pp.17-36 .


Austen, S & MacPhail, F 2011, The post-school education choices of young women in Australia and Canada, Economic and Labour Relations Review, vol.22, no.3, pp.141-157.

Curtis, DD 2011, Tertiary education provision in rural Australia: is VET a substitute for, or a pathway into, higher education?, Education in Rural Australia, vol.21, no.2, pp.19-35.

Leigh, A & Ryan, C 2011, Long-run trends in school productivity: evidence from Australia, Education Finance and Policy, vol.6, no.1, pp.105-135.

Nguyen, N 2011, The impact of VET in schools on young people’s intentions and achievements, VOCAL: the Australian Journal of Vocational Education and Training in Schools, vol.8, pp.35-37.

Wilson, S 2011, A fine balance: combining study and part-time work, VOCAL: the Australian Journal of Vocational Education and Training in Schools, vol.9, pp.20-22.


Marks, GN 2010, Improvements over the educational career of immigrant students, Australian Journal of Education, vol.54, no.2, pp.133-154.

Stromback, T 2010, Earnings, schooling and vocational education and training, Australian Journal of Labour Economics, vol.13, no.3, pp.241-263 .


Cardak, B & Ryan, C 2009, Participation in higher education in Australia: equity and access, Economic Record, vol.85, no.271, pp.433-448.


Leigh, A & Ryan, C 2008, How and why has teacher quality changed in Australia?, Australian Economic Review, vol.41, no.2, pp.141-159.


Lee, W-S & Oguzoglu, U 2007, Income support and stigma effects for young Australians, Australian Economic Review, vol.40, no.4, pp.369-384.

Marks, GN 2007, Do schools matter for early school leaving? Individual and school influences in Australia, School Effectiveness and School Improvement, vol.18, no.4, pp.429-250.


Anlezark, A, Karmel, T & Ong, K 2005, Have school VET programs been successful?, Journal for Vocational and Technical Education and Training, vol.5, no.1, pp.56-65.

Dockery, AM 2005, The happiness of young Australians: empirical evidence on the role of labour market experience, Economic Record, vol.81, no.255, pp.322-335.

Le, AT & Miller, PW 2005, Participation in higher education: equity and access?, Economic Record, vol.81, no.253, pp.152-165.

Marjoribanks, K 2005, Family background, adolescents' educational aspirations, and Australian young adults' educational attainment, International Education Journal, vol.6, no.1, pp.104-112.

Marks, GN 2005, Issues in the school-to-work transition: evidence from the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth, Journal of Sociology, vol.41, pp.363-385.


Le, AT & Miller, PW 2003, Choice of school in Australia: determinants and consequences, Australian Economic Review, vol.36, no.1, pp.55-78.

Marjoribanks, K 2003, Family background, individual and environmental influences, aspirations and young adults' educational attainment: a follow-up study, Educational Studies, vol.29, no.2-3, pp.233-242.

Marks, GN & McMillan, J 2003, Declining inequality? The changing impact of socio-economic background and ability on education in Australia, British Journal of Sociology, vol.54, no.4, pp.453-471.


Athanasou, JA 2002, Vocational pathways in the early part of a career: an Australian study, Career Development Quarterly, vol.51, no.1, 78-86.

Marjoribanks, K 2002, Family background, individual and environmental influences on adolescents' aspirations, Educational Studies, vol.28, no.1, pp.33-46.

Vickers, M & Lamb, S 2002, Why state policies matter: the influence of curriculum policy on participation in post-compulsory education and training, Australian Journal of Education, vol.46, no.2, pp.172-188.


Athanasou, JA 2001, Young people in transition: factors influencing the educational‐vocational pathways of Australian school‐leavers, Education + Training, vol.43, no.3, 132-138.

Ball, K & Lamb, S 2001, School non-completers: outcomes in vocational education and training, VOCAL: the Australian Journal of Vocational Education and Training in Schools, vol.3, pp.35-37.



Lan, D 2020, Education and labour market outcomes of children of immigrants: evidence from Australia, Master of Philosophy thesis, University of Sydney, Sydney.


Childs, A 2019, Windows and bridges: the education, employment and wellbeing outcomes of young migrants in Australia: a focus on those from refugee source countries, PhD thesis, University of Canberra, Canberra.

Jeffries, D 2019, STEM subject choice: factors that influence the decisions of Australian students entering year 12, PhD thesis, Flinders University, Adelaide.

Thomas, J 2019, Neoliberal performance and resistance in Australia's flexible learning sector, PhD thesis, James Cook University.


Jackson, JL 2018, Towards inclusive workforce development: socio-economic diversity in the Australian early childhood workforce and its implications for practice, PhD thesis, Victoria University.

Van Zanden, B 2018, Understanding the psychological and social origins of gender disparities in self-beliefs, motivation, and educational attainment, PhD thesis, Australian Catholic University, Sydney.


Law, H 2017, Gender and mathematics: pathways to mathematically intensive fields of study in Australia, PhD thesis, Australian National University, Canberra.


Adejoro, OE 2016, Does location also matter? A spatial analysis of social achievements of young South Australians, MSc thesis, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.

Paulsen, IK 2016, Negotiating pathways: rethinking collaborative partnerships to improve the educational outcomes of Pacific Islander young people in Melbourne’s Western region, PhD thesis, Victoria University, Melbourne.


Ramia, I 2011, The paradox of subjective well-being and tertiary education, PhD thesis, University of New South Wales, Sydney.


Robinson, L 2001, Just a phase in life? School students and part-time work, PhD thesis, University of Melbourne, Melbourne.



Huo, S, Tham, M & Knight, E 2024, Career activities and the wellbeing of young people in Australia, in (eds) Knight, E & Okay-Somerville, B, Young people’s career development and wellbeing: an enquiry across national education systems based on longitudinal data, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, pp.115-134.


Coffey , J, Unwin, S, Bawa, S & Bennett, D 2022, Linking diverse datasets to inform career development learning for students from low SES backgrounds, in (eds) S O’Shea, O Groves, K Austin & J Lamanna, Career development learning and sustainability goals, Springer, Singapore, pp.79-90.


Forrest, C, Skujins, P & Stanwick, J 2018, Predictors and consequences of being persistently not in employment, education or training (NEET): evidence from the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth, in (eds) M Best, T Corcoran & R Slee, Who’s in? Who’s out? What to do about inclusive education, Studies in inclusive education vol.39, Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp.113-128.


Sikora, J 2015, Gender segregation in Australian science education: contrasting post-secondary VET with university, in (eds) C Imdorf, K Hegna & L Reisel, Gender segregation in Vocational Education, Comparative social research vol.31, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp.263-289.



Waugh, J, Forrest, C & Dowling, K 2024, The impact of increasing university participation on the characteristics of apprentices, NCVER, Adelaide.


Coelli, M 2023, Connecting the dots: exploring young Australian’s pathways from education and training into work, Centre for Education & Training, Australian Industry Group, Melbourne.

The  Treasury 2023, Working future: the Australian Government’s white paper on jobs and opportunities, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra.


Bennett , D, Coffey, J, Bawa, S, Carney, D, Dockery, M, Franklyn, K, Koshy, P, Li, IW, Parida, S & Unwin, S 2022, Ameliorating disadvantage: creating accessible, effective and equitable careers and study information for low SES students, National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education, Curtin University, Perth.

Lim, P 2022, VET as a re-engagement pathway for early school leavers, NCVER, Adelaide.


Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2021, Australia's youth, AIHW, Canberra.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2021, Australia's youth: in brief, AIHW, Canberra.

Covacevich, C, Mann, A, Santos, C & Champaud, J 2021, Indicators of teenage career readiness: an analysis of longitudinal data from eight countries, OECD Education Working Papers, No. 258, OECD Publishing, Paris

Covacevich, C, Mann, A, Besa, F, Diaz, J & Santos, C 2021, Thinking about the future: career readiness insights from national longitudinal surveys and from practice, OECD Education Working Papers, No. 248, OECD Publishing, Paris.

Hurley, P, Coelli, M, Ta, B, Knight, L & Hildebrandt, M, 2021, Industry experiences and their role in education to work transitions, Mitchell Institute, Victoria University.

OECD 2021, Career conversations: why it is important for students to talk about their futures in work with teachers, family and friends, OECD Education Policy Perspectives, No. 42, OECD Publishing, Paris.

McMillan, J, Rothman, S, Buckley, S & Edwards, D 2021, STEM pathways: the impact of equity, motivation and prior achievement, National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education, Curtin University, Perth.


Department of Education, Skills and Employment 2020, 15 going on 25: insights from the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY), Australian Government Department of Education, Canberra.

--- 2020, Career aspirations and opportunities: insights from the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth, Australian Government Department of Education, Canberra.

--- 2020, Post-school education aspirations: comparisons between students from metro and non-metro areas, Australian Government Department of Education, Canberra.

Hurley, P 2020, Impact of coronavirus on apprentices and trainees, Mitchell Institute for Education and Health Policy, Victoria University, Melbourne.

Lamb, S, Huo, S, Walstab, A, Wade, A, Maire, Q, Doecke, E, Jackson, J & Endekov, Z 2020, Educational opportunity 2020: who succeeds and who misses out, Centre for International Research on Education Systems, Victoria University for the Mitchell Institute, Melbourne.


Moschion, J, Polidano, C & Castillo, M 2019, Does school-based vocational education and training payoff in the long-run?, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, Melbourne.

--- 2019, Vocational pathways and post-school transitions from VET delivered to school students, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, Melbourne.

Haisken-DeNew, J, Ribar, DC, Ryan, C & Wong, C 2019, A conceptual framework to measure young Australian's financial wellbeing, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, Melbourne.

--- 2019, Financial outcomes in adolescence and early adulthood in Australian longitudinal data, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, Melbourne.

Norton, A, Cherastidtham, I & Mackey, W 2019, Risks and rewards: when is vocational education a good alternative to higher education?, Grattan Institute, Melbourne.

O'Connell, M, Milligan, S & Bentley, T 2019, Beyond ATAR: a proposal for change, Koshland Innovation Fund, Melbourne.

Productivity Commission 2019, The demand driven university system: a mixed report card, Productivity Commission, Canberra.

Ranasinghe, R, Chew, E, Knight, G & Siekmann, G 2019, School-to-work pathways, NCVER, Adelaide.


Deutscher, N 2018, What drives second generation success? The role of education, culture and social context, LCC working paper series, no.2018-21, Life Course Centre, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland.

Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) & AlphaBeta (Firm) 2018, The new work reality, Foundation for Young Australians, Melbourne.

Innovative Research Universities 2018, The take up of tertiary education, Innovative Research Universities, Melbourne.

King, C 2018, Towards a tertiary future: IRU discussion paper, Innovative Research Universities, Melbourne.

Norton, A, Cherastidtham, I & Mackey, W 2018, Dropping out: the benefits and costs of trying university, Grattan Institute, Melbourne.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 2018, Equity in education: breaking down barriers to social mobility, OECD, Paris.

Osborne, K & Circelli, M 2018, From school to VET: choices, experiences and outcomes, NCVER, Adelaide.


Cardak, B, Brett, M, Bowden, M, Vecci, J, Barry, P, Bahtsevanoglou, J & McAllister, R 2017, Regional student participation and migration: analysis of factors influencing regional student participation and internal migration in Australian higher education, National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education, Curtin University, Perth.

Cooper, G, Baglin, J & Strathdee, R 2017, Access to higher education: does distance impact students' intentions to attend university?, National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education, Curtin University, Perth.

Parasnis, J & Swan, J 2017, Differences in educational attainment by country of origin: evidence from Australia, Monash Economics working papers, no.05-17, Department of Economics, Monash University, Melbourne.

Stanwick, J, Forrest, C & Skujins, P 2017, Who are the persistently NEET young people?, NCVER, Adelaide.

Tomaszewski, W, Perales, F & Xiang, N 2017, School experiences, career guidance, and the university participation of young people from three equity groups in Australia, National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education, Curtin University, Perth.


Biddle, N & Meehl, A 2016, The gendered nature of Indigenous education participation and attainment, CAEPR working paper, no.106/2016, Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Australian National University, Canberra.

Deloitte Access Economics 2016, The economic impact of improving schooling quality, Australian Department of Education and Training, Canberra.

Norton, A & Cakitaki, B 2016, Mapping Australian higher education 2016, Grattan Institute report, no.2016-11, Grattan Institute, Melbourne.

Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development 2016, Investing in youth: Australia, OECD, Paris.

Polidano, C & Ryan, C 2016, What happens to students with low reading proficiency at 15? Evidence from Australia, Melbourne Institute working paper, no.33/16, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economics and Social Research, Melbourne.

Tomaszewski, W, Perales, F & Xiang, N 2016, Career guidance, school experiences and the university participation of young people from equity groups, LCC working paper series, no.2016-27, Life Course Centre, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland.


Davie, A 2015, Engaging young people in regional, rural and remote Australia, Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies, Sandy Bay, Tasmania.

Lamb, S, Jackson, J, Walstab, A & Huo, S 2015, Educational opportunity in Australia 2015: who succeeds and who misses out, Mitchell Institute at Victoria University, Melbourne

Lim, P 2015, Do individual background characteristics influence tertiary completion rates?, National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education, Curtin University, Perth

Mahuteau, S, Karmel, T, Mavromaras, K & Zhu, R 2015, Educational outcomes of young Indigenous Australians, National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education, Curtin University, Bentley, Western Australia

Rowe -Gonzalez, F, Corcoran, J & Bell, MJ 2015, Changing post-school pathways and outcomes: Melbourne and regional students, QCPR technical report, no.6, Queensland Centre for Population Research, University of Queensland, Brisbane.


Biddle, N 2014, Developing a behavioural model of school attendance: policy implications for Indigenous children and youth, CAEPR working paper, no.94/2014, Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Australian National University, Canberra.

Cardak, B & Ryan, C 2014, Evidence on credit constraints, university attendance and income contingent loans, Melbourne Institute working paper, no.24/14, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, Melbourne.

Cherastidtham, I & Norton, A 2014, Effects of university prestige and courses on graduates' earnings, Grattan Institute report, no.2014-13, Grattan Institute, Melbourne.

Huq, M 2014, Education and occupational attainment of Australian youth, Social Science Research Network, Rochester, New York

Johnston, D, Lee, W-S, Shah, C, Shields, MA & Spinks, J 2014, Are neighbourhood characteristics important in predicting the post-school destinations of young Australians?, NCVER, Adelaide.

Lim, P 2014, Gender pay gap in VET graduates: a review, NCVER consultancy report, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Canberra.

Norton, A & Cherastidtham, I 2014, Mapping Australian higher education 2014-15, Grattan Institute report, no.2014-11, Grattan Institute, Melbourne.

Redmond, G, Wolfe, MJ, Bradbury, B & Katz, I 2014, Intergenerational mobility: new evidence from the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth, NCVER, Adelaide.

Rowe-Gonzalez, F, Corcoran, J & Bell, MJ, 2014, Labour market outcomes and educational and occupational pathways of young movers starting off in regional Victoria, QCPR technical report, no.4, Queensland Centre for Population Research, University of Queensland, Brisbane.

--- 2014, Labour market outcomes and main educational and occupational pathways of young Victorians, QCPR technical report, no.3, Queensland Centre for Population Research, University of Queensland, Brisbane.

Ryan, C 2014, Private school 'effects' on student achievement in Australian schools, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, Melbourne.

Sikora, J 2014, Gendered pathways into the post-secondary study of science, NCVER, Adelaide.


Cardak, B & Vecci, J 2013, Catholic school effectiveness in Australia: a reassessment using selection on observed and unobserved variables, Working paper no.2013.05, School of Economics, La Trobe University, Melbourne.

Freeman, B 2013, Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology (STEM) in Australia: practice, policy and programs, Australian Council of Learned Academies, Melbourne.

Jakubowski, M 2013, Analysis of the predictive power of PISA test items, OECD education working papers, no.87, OECD, Paris.

Karmel, T & Lim, P 2013, Socioeconomic disadvantage and participation in tertiary education: preliminary thoughts, NCVER, Adelaide.

Mahuteau, S & Mavromaras, K 2013, An analysis of the impact of socioeconomic disadvantage and school quality on the probability of school dropout, IZA discussion paper, no.7566, Institute for the Study of Labor, Bonn, Germany.

Polidano, C & Tabasso, D 2013, Making it real: the benefits of workplace learning in upper-secondary VET courses, IZA discussion paper, no.7633, Institute for the Study of Labor, Bonn, Germany.

Rothman, S, Shah, C, Underwood, C, McMillan, J, Brown, J & McKenzie, P 2013, National report on social equity in VET 2013, National VET Equity Advisory Council, Melbourne.

Sikora, J 2013, Single-sex schools and science engagement, NCVER, Adelaide.


Biddle, N & Cameron, T 2012, Potential factors influencing Indigenous education participation and achievement, NCVER, Adelaide.

Circelli, M & Oliver, D 2012, Youth transitions: what the research tells us, NCVER consultancy report, NCVER, Adelaide.

Curtis, DD, Drummond, A, Halsey, J & Lawson, M 2012, Peer mentoring of students in rural and low SES schools: increasing aspiration for higher education, NCVER, Adelaide.

Dandolo Partners 2012, Second interim evaluation of the National Partnership on Youth Attainment and Transitions, Australian Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Canberra.

Deloitte Access Economics 2012, Youth transitions evidence base: 2012 update, Australian Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Canberra.

Gong, X, Cassells, R & Duncan, A 2012, Does part-time work at school impact on going to university?, NCVER, Adelaide.

Hanel, B, Tabasso, D & Zakirova, R 2012, The outcomes of early school leaving for disadvantaged students: the role of non-cognitive skills, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, Melbourne.

Jerrim, J, Vignoles, A & Finnie, R 2012, University access for disadvantaged children: a comparison across English speaking countries, DoQSS working paper, no.12-11, Department of Quantitative Social Science, UCL Institute of Education, London.

Oliver, D 2012, Lower-level qualifications as a stepping stone for young people, NCVER, Adelaide.

Polidano, C, Hanel, B & Buddelmeyer, H 2012, Explaining the SES school completion gap, Melbourne Institute working paper, no.16/12, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, Melbourne.

Polidano, C, Tabasso, D & Tseng, Y-P 2012, A second chance at education for early school leavers, IZA discussion paper, no.6769, Institute for the Study of Labor, Bonn, Germany.

Productivity Commission 2012, Impacts of COAG reforms: business regulation and VET: Productivity Commission research report, Productivity Commission, Melbourne.

Robinson, L & Lamb, S 2012, How Young People Are Faring 2012, How Young People Are Faring (HYPAF) report series, Foundation for Young Australians, Melbourne.


Ainley, J, Buckley, S, Beavis, A, Rothman, S & Tovey, A 2011, Analysis of year 12 or certificate II attainment of Indigenous young people - Stage 1: a report prepared for the Council of Australian Governments Reform Council, COAG Reform Council, Sydney.

Black, D, Polidano, C & Tabasso, D 2011, The role of VET-in-schools in school completion and post-school outcomes, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, Melbourne.

Black, D, Polidano, C, Tabasso, D & Tseng, Y-P 2011, Second chance education: re-engagement in education of early school leavers, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, Melbourne.

Buddelmeyer, H, Hanel, B & Polidano, C 2011, The effect of schools in retaining disadvantaged youth in education, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, Melbourne.

Gemici, S, Bednarz, A & Lim, P 2011, Getting tough on missing data: a boot camp for social science researchers, NCVER, Adelaide.

Herault, N & Zakirova, R 2011, Sheepskin effects in the returns to education: accounting for enrolment and completion effects, Melbourne Institute working paper, no.4/11, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, Melbourne.

Herault, N, Zakirova, R & Buddelmeyer, H 2011, The effect of VET completion on the wages of young people, NCVER, Adelaide.

Lim, P & Gemici, S 2011, Measuring the socioeconomic status of Australian youth, NCVER, Adelaide.

McMillan, J 2011, Student retention: current evidence and insights for improvement, Joining the Dots research briefing, vol.1, no.6, October 2011, Australian Council for Educational Research, Melbourne.

Polidano, C & Zakirova, R 2011, Outcomes from combining work and tertiary study, NCVER, Adelaide.

Semo, R & Karmel, T 2011, Social capital and youth transitions: do young people's networks improve their participation in education and training?, NCVER, Adelaide.


Buddelmeyer, H & Herault, N 2010, The role of VET in preventing the scarring effect of youth joblessness, NCVER, Adelaide.

Buddelmeyer, H & Marks, GN 2010, Annual transitions between labour market states for young Australians, NCVER, Adelaide.

Herault, N, Kostenko, W, Marks, GN & Zakirova, R 2010, The effects of macroeconomic conditions on the education and employment outcomes of youth, Melbourne Institute working paper, no.2/10, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, Melbourne.

Sweet, R, Volkoff, V, Watts, A, Keating, J, Helme, S, Rice, S & Pannell, S 2010, Making career development core business, Office for Policy, Research and Innovation, Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and Victorian Department of Business and Innovation, Melbourne.


Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations & Roy Morgan Research 2009, Year 12 student choices: a survey on factors influencing year 12 decision-making on post-school destination, choice of university and preferred subject, DEEWR, Canberra.

Fok, Y & Tseng, Y-P 2009, Wage transitions of apprentices, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, Melbourne.

Herault, N, Kostenko, W, Marks, GN & Zakirova, R 2009, The education and employment outcomes of youth in school-to-work transition, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, Melbourne.

Le, AT 2009, Entry into university: are the children of immigrants disadvantaged?, Discussion paper (University of Western Australia. Business School), no.09.01, Business School, University of Western Australia, Perth.

Leigh, A & Ryan, C 2009, Long-run trends in school productivity: evidence from Australia, CEPR discussion paper, no.618, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Australian National University, Canberra.

Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development 2009, Jobs for youth: Australia, OECD, Paris.

Pech, J, McNevin, A & Nelms, L 2009, Young people with poor labour force attachment: a survey of concepts, data and previous research, Research report (Australian Fair Pay Commission), no. 11/09, Australian Fair Pay Commission, Melbourne.

Stromback, T 2009, Earnings, schooling and vocational education and training, CLMR discussion paper series, no.2010/02, Centre for Labour Market Research, Curtin University of Technology, Perth.

Watson, L & Ryan, C 2009, Choice, vouchers and the consequences for public high schools: lessons from Australia, National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education working paper, no.WP-181, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York.


Abhayartna, J, Andrews, L, Nuch, H & Podbury, T 2008, Part time employment: the Australian experience, Productivity Commission, Canberra.

Ainley, J, Kos, J & Nicholas, M 2008, Participation in science, mathematics and technology in Australian education, ACER research monograph, no.63, Australian Council for Educational Research, Camberwell, Victoria.

Anlezark, A, Lim, P, Semo, R & Nguyen, N 2008, From stem to leaf: where are Australia's science, mathematics, engineering and technology (STEM) students heading?, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Canberra.

Centre for the Study of Higher Education 2008, Participation and equity: a review of the participation in higher education of people from low socioeconomic backgrounds and Indigenous people, Universities Australia, Canberra.

Lamb, S & Mason, K 2008, How young people are faring 08: an update about the learning and work situation of young Australians, How Young People Are Faring (HYPAF) report series, Foundation for Young Australians, Sydney.

Universities Australia 2008, A national internship scheme: enhancing the skills and work-readiness of Australian university graduates, Universities Australia position paper, no.3/08, Universities Australia, Canberra.


Cardak , B & Ryan, C 2007, Participation in higher education: equity and access - are equity-based scholarships an answer?, Discussion paper no.A07.03, Department of Economics and Finance, La Trobe University.

Lattimore, R 2007, Men not at work: an analysis of men outside the labour force, Productivity Commission staff working paper, Productivity Commission, Canberra.

Lee, W-S & Oguzoglu, U 2007, Are youths on income support less happy? Evidence from Australia, IZA discussion paper, no.2709, Institute for the Study of Labor, Bonn, Germany.

Universities Australia 2007, A national internship scheme: discussion paper, Universities Australia discussion paper, no.1/07, Universities Australia, Canberra.


Anlezark, A, Karmel, T & Ong, K 2006, Have school vocational education and training programs been successful?, NCVER, Adelaide.

Cardak, BA & Ryan, C 2006, Why are high-ability individuals from poor backgrounds under-represented at university?, La Trobe University, Melbourne.

Gørgens, T & Ryan, C 2006, The impact of additional educational qualifications for early school leavers, Department of Education, Science and Training, Canberra.

Leigh, A & Ryan, C 2006, How and why has teacher quality changed in Australia?, CEPR discussion paper, no.534, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Australian National University, Canberra.


Beavis, A, Murphy, M, Bryce, J & Corrigan, M 2004, Post-school plans: aspirations, expectations and implementation: a report prepared for The Smith Family, The Smith Family, Sydney.

Lamb, S, Rumberger, R, Jesson, D & Teese, R 2004, School performance in Australia: results from analyses of school effectiveness - report for the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet, Department of Education and Training, Melbourne.

Ryan, C 2004, The impact of early schooling on subsequent literacy and numeracy performance: estimates from a policy induced 'natural' experiment, CEPR discussion paper, no.470, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Australian National University, Canberra.

Ryan, C & Watson, L 2004, The drift to private schools in Australia: understanding its features, CEPR discussion paper, no.479, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Australian National University, Canberra.


Chapman, B & Ryan, C 2003, The access implications of income-contingent charges for higher education: lessons from Australia, CEPR discussion paper, no.463, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Australian National University, Canberra.

Considine, G & Watson, I 2003, Learning experience of students from low-income families, ACIRRT working paper, no.83, Australian Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Training (ACIRRT), Sydney.

Dockery, AM 2003, Happiness, life satisfaction and the role of work, Department of Economics, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia.

Ryan, C & Watson, L 2003, Factors affecting year 12 retention across Australian states and territories in the 1990s, CEPR discussion paper, no.467, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Australian National University, Canberra.

Zappala, G 2003, Barriers to participation: financial, educational and technological - a report into the barriers to societal participation among low-income Australians, The Smith Family, Camperdown, New South Wales.


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Department of Family and Community Services (FACS) 2002, Youth Allowance evaluation: final report, FACS, Canberra, ACT.

Long, M 2002, Workplace training: the experience of young Australian workers, CEET working paper, no.45, Monash-ACER Centre for the Economics of Education and Training, Clayton, Victoria.


Department of Family and Community Services 2001, Youth Allowance evaluation: summaries of survey findings, FACS, Canberra.


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Jones, R 2000, Geographic location changes in the transition from school to work: a report submitted to the National Education Performance Monitoring Taskforce of the Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs, MCEECDYA, Carlton South, Victoria.


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