Y95 questionnaires and frequency tables

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  • 4 November 2010
    The impact of VET in Schools on the intentions and achievements of young people
    4 November 2010
    This briefing paper assesses the effect VET in Schools programs have on school retention, post-school vocational education and training (VET) and employment, and on young people's school and…
  • 1 December 1999
    The initial work and education experiences of early school leavers: A comparative study of Australia and the United States
    1 December 1999
    Recently, vocational education and training (VET) programs have been introduced into senior secondary schools, increasing the focus on workplace experience and workplace learning. This research is…
  • 1 November 2003
    The job finding methods of young people in Australia: An analysis of the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Year 9 (1995) sample
    1 November 2003
    The transition from school to work continues to be difficult for some Australian school-leavers and youth unemployment remains high. This report looks at the methods used by Australian school-leavers …
  • 4 January 2001
    The LSAY 1996 School Survey
    4 January 2001
    The Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY) program studies the progress of several groups of young Australians as they move from school into post-secondary education and work. In 1996, the…
  • 1 November 1999
    The measurement of socioeconomic status and social class in the LSAY project
    1 November 1999
    This paper discusses issues relating to socioeconomic status and the measurment of education and labour market outcomes and provides rationales for the decisions taken for analysing data in the…
  • 23 January 2009
    The occupations and earnings of young Australians: The role of education and training
    23 January 2009
    This report investigates the effect of post-secondary education and training on the occupation and earnings of young people. The majority of young Australians undertake further education and training …
  • 1 June 2001
    The pathways from school to further study and work for Australian graduates
    1 June 2001
    This report examines the pathways from school to higher education and work for graduates of tertiary education. Around 40 per cent of young Australians enrol in tertiary education after they complete …
  • 1 April 2006
    The transition to full-time work of young people who do not go to university
    1 April 2006
    This report looks at the transition to full-time work of young Australians who did not attend university after leaving school. It focuses on identifying the factors that are important in promoting…
  • 21 September 2011
    The vocational equivalent to Year 12
    21 September 2011
    This paper investigates what might be the vocational equivalent to completing senior secondary school. Three dimensions are considered: volume of learning, educational complexity and labour market,…
  • 1 February 2002
    The year 9 class of 1995 in 1999: Activities and experiences
    1 February 2002
    This report provides details of the activities and experiences of the Year 9 class of 1995 in the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY) project at a single point in time. In 1999, almost…
