Y06 questionnaires and frequency tables

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  • 1 November 2001
    VET in schools: Participation and pathways
    1 November 2001
    Vocational education and training (VET) programs in secondary schools in Australia are created to broaden the amount of curriculum offerings and provide young people with another pathway to work and…
  • 1 April 2008
    VET pathways taken by school leavers
    1 April 2008
    This report examines the vocational education and training (VET) pathways pursued by young people since leaving school. It investigates the characteristics of those who pursue VET, their persistence…
  • 1 February 2002
    Vocational education and training: Participation, achievement and pathways
    1 February 2002
    This brief looks at findings on participation in VET in school programs, pathways associated with these programs and how students who do not complete their high school education can be helped by VET…
  • 1 September 1998
    Well-being among young Australians: Effects of work and home life for four youth in transition cohorts
    1 September 1998
    This report examines the relationship of well-being with a variety of demographic and economic factors among young Australian people. Youth were analysed on the impact of gender, income,…
  • 1 June 1999
    Work experience and work placements in secondary school education
    1 June 1999
    This report looks at the progress of several groups of young Australians as they move from school into post-secondary education and/or work. The extent of students' participation in work experience,…
  • 1 October 2001
    Work experience, work placements and part-time work among Australian secondary school students
    1 October 2001
    This briefing paper, which focuses on the labour force experiences of secondary school students in Australia, highlights that: students who undertake short work experience programs benefit in terms…
  • 1 September 2005
    Year 12 subjects and further study
    1 September 2005
    The briefing looks at: recent distribution of Year 12 subject enrolments; changes in Year 12 subject uptake; influences on subject participation; and Year 12 studies and post-school education.…
  • 21 April 2011
    Young people in an economic downturn
    21 April 2011
    This briefing paper considers how young people fared in previous downturns, and discusses how structural labour market changes over the past 20 years have affected the three million young Australians …
  • 1 November 2005
    Young people outside the labour force and full-time education: Activities and profiles
    1 November 2005
    This report focuses on young people who are not in full-time study, nor in the labour force. It investigates two groups of young people who had experienced time outside of work and full-time…
  • 1 September 1998
    Youth earnings in Australia 1980-1994: A comparison of three youth cohorts
    1 September 1998
    This report looks at hourly earnings among Australian young people using three of the Youth in Transition cohorts from the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY) project. Influences on…
