Y03 questionnaires and frequency tables

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  • 5 July 2012
    School completion: what we learn from different measures of family background
    5 July 2012
    This paper quantifies the impact of different dimensions of socioeconomic disadvantage on Year 12 completion by employing a comparative analysis of one data set that has been used extensively to…
  • 1 August 2003
    A 'causal' estimate of the effect of schooling on full-time employment among young Australians
    1 August 2003
    This report exploits a policy change that occurred in South Australia in the mid-1980s to generate a causal estimate of the effect of schooling on full-time employment outcomes. The results of this…
  • 15 October 2010
    A stocktake of the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth
    15 October 2010
    This paper assesses the fitness-for-purpose of the existing Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY) instruments as a source of information on the determinants of youth transitions in…
  • 1 November 2002
    Achievement in literacy and numeracy by Australian 14 year-olds, 1975-1998
    1 November 2002
    This report looks at young Australian students' achievement scores on tests of reading comprehension and mathematics from studies carried out between 1975 to 1998. Results are reported by gender,…
  • 2 October 2013
    Starting out in low-skill jobs
    2 October 2013
    The purpose of this research is to examine whether, for those who have left full-time education, a low-skill job provides them with a good start to their working lives. It was found that starting out …
  • 22 May 2014
    The impact of increasing university participation on the pool of apprentices
    22 May 2014
    This research investigates the impact of an expanding higher education sector on the quality of apprentices. Using two cohorts of the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth, we find that during the …
  • 1 July 2003
    Active citizenship and the secondary school experience: Community participation rates of Australian youth
    1 July 2003
    This report aims to address the relationship between volunteering, active citizenship and community participation for young Australians. The project seeks to report those aspects of the relationship…
  • 21 September 2010
    Against the odds: influences on the post-school success of 'low performers'
    21 September 2010
    The link between academic achievement and labour market outcomes is well established. But how well does a student's achievement in a test predict their later success in life? This study examines this …
  • 12 October 2010
    Apprenticeships and traineeships: participation, progress and completion
    12 October 2010
    This briefing paper draws together findings from two LSAY (Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth) research reports: 'Participation in and progress through New Apprenticeships'; and the 'VET…
  • 1 June 2005
    Assessing the value of additional years of schooling for the non-academically inclined
    1 June 2005
    The aim of this study is to discover whether it is beneficial for all young people to complete school. It provides estimates of the benefits of additional years of schooling for young people assessed …
