
Which paths work for which young people?

By Tom Karmel, Shu-Hui Liu
Research report
10 August 2011
ISBN 978 1 921955 20 4 print; 978 1 921955 19 8 web


In this paper, the authors identify various educational paths involving school and post-school study and assess the effectivness of these in relation to post-school outcomes at age 25 years. They use the 1995 cohort of the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth and find that, for males, undertaking an apprenticeship after completing senior secondary and university are attractive paths. For females, the best path is that of university study, even for those with low academic orientation.


About the research .pdf 91.0 KB Download
Executive summary .pdf 68.3 KB Download


Which paths work for which young people? .pdf 845.5 KB Download
Which paths work for which young people? .docx 276.5 KB Download

Supporting documents

Support document .pdf 319.1 KB Download
Support document .docx 98.5 KB Download

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